by Doris Miller

Sign reads: Apathy can change things, unfortunately.  Do Something!

Bystander asks 'Wonder what that means?' and another says 'I don't care!'

Do you know who your student senator is? What do you think of the Student Senate? These were the questions asked of a variety of students recently.

Paul Pippins from Texas High didn’t know his student senators. “You know what, I don’t really care. I don’t think anybody around here does.”

Nina White from Arkansas High: “Did Randy Guillot run for something? What’d he get?”

Jimmy Landrum from Hooks High: “Randy Guillot got something didn’t he? Isn’t what’s-his-name Leach in it?”

Roy Midkiff of Texas High didn’t know any senators. “Why vote for someone you know nothing about? It’s not very highly publicized.”

Tommy Ables from Texas High: “If they’ve done anything, I haven’t heard about it!”

Chris Loveall from Texas High: “I know Blake Vernon, and I know Mike Hargrave. I just go out here to go to class and I don’t keep up with what the Student Senate does because they don’t do anything that pertains to me!”

Dennis Richardson from Texas High: “No, I don’t keep up with it.”

Andrea Bentley from Hooks High: “Well, I think it’s an honorable organization.”

Robbie Walker from Ashdown: “I don’t know anything about it!”

Several other students who wish to remain anonymous said that they “didn’t know anything about it” and one complained that “as of yet they haven’t done anything.”

Glynn Leach, Student Senate President, thinks that the senate is doing their job but that “Student apathy is killing us. The senate is broke.”