Former Senator Ralph Yarborough, in a speech at the University of Texas, called for the appointment of responsible students to the Boards of Directors and Boards of Regents of Texas state colleges and universities.
Reiterating the position he had taken at the Texas Intercollegiate Student Association Student Body President’s Conference at Rice University and several student voter registration drives, Yarborough said that there is no legal restriction placed on student appointments to the boards other than the status required of any non-student named to the boards.
“The law does not bar student appointments,” Yarborough said. “Only the lack of vision by Texas governors prevents student appointments.”
He went on to say that, “there are 475,000 college students in Texas, many with wide experience in dealing with people, and it is an insult to these nearly half-million adults to say that because they are students they lack the intelligence and ability to serve. This would indicate they are less capable and intelligent than the average of all other people.”
He continued, “I have visited with many student bodies and student body officials and I find knowledge, ability, and dedication to quality education there.”
Yarborough, who has announced intentions to seek either the governorship or the United States Senate seat, has been speaking at colleges and universities across Texas, meeting students to discuss with them the problems facing Texas and the nation today.