From Other Schools

Lee College Problem

Approximately 75 students of Lee College, Baytown, gathered on the Lee campus Nov. 10 in response to a meeting called by the student government to protest a decision by the dean of students and the president of the college, who refused to allot funds for the showing of student government-approved films.

The films, part of a video tape series, “The New American Consciousness,” would have cost $750. The money was allocated by the student government, who then passed the request through the normal channels. Their request was refused.

The series, which would have been shown free of charge, included films on abortion, sensitivity training and nudity, American corporate responsibility, Vietnam, Lt. William Calley, Bernadette Devlin, and black activists in America.

The president stated that the student government needed “a good, positive program.” The film series was “negative,” he said, and the films “weren’t bad, they just were not good.”

Free Coffee

Free coffee is available to the students of Lee College, Baytown, thanks to the generosity of the college’s Student Government.

The governing body has set up a coffee pot in the foyer of Maude Moler Hall for students to enjoy the free coffee between classes.