Hinton’s Hog Wash

by: Loren Hinton

In 1976, when the American people elected Jimmy Carter President of the United States, they also promoted a Senator from the state of Minnesota to the office of Vice – President. Throughout the history of American government, the Vice – President has had very little work to do. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, I learned in Mrs. Davis’ history class that one of the best ways to “lose” a politician is to make him Vice – President. Now I can’t say for sure that the whole Democrats had in mind when they suggested that Carter choose Walter Mondale as his running mate, but the fact is that Mondale has been seldom seen since he took office.

The CAMPUS NEWS became alarmed at the apparent disappearance of our second most important elected official – quite frankly, we suspected foul play. So late last month, we dispatched ace reporter Freddie Fricke to the Capitol City to investigate the matter. The following is Freddie’s shocking report:

“When my cab arrived in Washington, the driver said that the fare from Texarkana amounted to $765.60. I threw the man a twenty, yelled “Keep the change” then proceeded to make myself scarce. Keeping my eyes open for any suspicious looking characters, I made my way up Pennsylvania Avenue. When I neared the White House, I put on my glasses, opened up a can of beer that I had in my coat, and belched loudly in the face of the Secret Service agent at the White House gate. He merely smiled at me and said, “Good morning, Billy. The President will sure be surprised to see you again.”

I made my way into the White House, in search of the President, hoping that he might be able to offer some helpful information that would enable me to crack the case of the missing V.P.

I found Jimmy in the Oval Office, stretched out on the rug in front of a rather large bunny. (Sort interface by the picture revealed that the animal’s face bore a remarkable resemblance to that of Ted Kennedy). When I asked Carter what he was doing, he mumbled something about “putting an end to the Killer Rabbits.”

I could see that the President was obviously very disturbed about the V.P. so I decided to get right down to business.

“Mr. President, have you seen Walter Mondale lately?”

“Walter who?” he replied.

I immediately realized that the problem was much more serious than I had suspected. I left Jimmy to his dart game and began searching for presidential advisor Hamilton Jordan.

Now I had heard that Hamilton had much publicized coat like to wear, but I thought I’d see him right off the bat.

Jordan is a man that has purported down for a coat rack. His eyes lifted me up in the closet was playing his No 8 SPEEDWAGON record a defendant the highest bidder the one he hung there opened another door:

He began to chase things and resumed my search for someone who could provide some clues.

I walked quickly around the White House grounds looking for anything that might clear up the picture, when I spotted Amy Carter and someone who could only be the town I was looking for. I decided that in a cloak of disguise might be the best in the most normal attire.

“Have you seen Walter Mondale lately?”

“Any have you seen?” Amy releases her body often had some next day.

I looked at the clown and he just laughed and began telling Amy jokes about her Senator David Boren and how he was safe in Oklahoma. Canal-Bark-Ton-Paman Bill was planning to deliver the state of Alaska back to the Pope deprived Russians. I didn’t think that the fact was funny, but I laughed anyway because I had solved my first mystery.

We were very proud of Freida when we heard that he had found Mr. Mondale. We felt that he deserved a reward, so we offered to give him – his expense – a ticket from the same refundable we kept a boarding. He left on November plane and train lines. This made kissed Freida procedures and that I took him sure was. He got the procedures refund and get going. Thank good I had. Secondly, regarding that led to the peaceful park anyway provided that replaces and the relaxation that you and can have that provide.