Just Winter Dance Named Snow Ball, Now TC Tradition

Seasonal decorations of mistletoe, holly, snowflakes, and flowers will fill the Student Center Ballroom at the annual Snow Ball on Thursday, Dec. 14, from 8 p.m. to 12 midnight. The Snowball dance started last year and has become a regular event. Bill Highet, President of Student Center, said the name “Snow Ball Event” was suggested and approved by student vote two weeks ago.

The Winter dance takes the place of a tradition started last year that recognized the New Year’s Eve Snow Ball stuck, and a teacher said that a Texan College Freshman organization had helped to mold this new dance into the holidays.

Peach Tree Inc. from Atlanta will provide the music. Peach Tree is the favorite band of the fall dance semester. Christmas trees, seasonal, and snow decorations will help to bring the Snow Ball to life. The dance committee will tender Snow Ball memories through flowers and special on ice reception in the lounge.

Tickets are on sale throughout the entire day of students and the Dean of Students office. Nelson is now pleasing to everyone, and not only himself.