Kimbros Show Slides Of European Tour At French Club Meet

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Kimbro were guest speakers at the meeting of LeCercle Francais last Monday in the Continental Room of the Student Center.

Slides were shown of their six-week tour of France and other European countries this past summer. The couple has made three trips to France and in 1971, several Texas High students made the trip for a three-week study-tour.

Mrs. Kimbro is instructor of the French department for Texas High and Mr. Kimbro teaches at Pike Street Junior High. He spoke of his experiences as a novelist in the French language.

Terrece Allen, vice-president, presided over a brief business meeting prior to the program. The club appointed a committee to elect a new president before the club’s final dinner meeting of the year. Plans were made for a luncheon on December 5.