Mobile Unit on Campus Nov. 29, 30 for blood drive

by Beth Lakey

If it were up to you, how many lives would have been saved by using the blood you donated? How many infants, newly born and needing blood, would grow up if their lives depended on your blood donation? How many of your friends and relatives would be alive today if their lives had depended on your gift of blood?

Suzy Barnes, Blood Services, said “Last year, seven months out of twelve, blood had to be sent in from other communities.” Suzy said that during December and January alone, 88 units of blood had to be sent in, because Texarkana did not have the blood needed.

The blood in your veins is today’s most amazing medicine. It has become a miracle worker. Blood already does more life-saving than any one of our wonder drugs. We have only begun to penetrate its warm mystery and to discover how to use blood to save lives, fight disease, and maintain normal health.

Anyone from 17-65 who is in good health can give blood. A person who has had a recent serious illness or history of certain disease may be prohibited.

Eligible people can give a pint of blood as often as every eight weeks. Fluid volume is restored within a few hours, but it takes 3-4 weeks for the red cells to be replenished.

Donating blood is painless and does not consume much time. From the time you enter the center until you leave, should not exceed 30 minutes. The actual drawing of the blood takes less than 10 minutes.

The mobile unit will be parked on the main parking lot. Everyone wishing to donate blood should drop by the foyer of the student center and set up an appointment.

After a brief interview and tests such as weight, temperature, pulse rate, and blood pressure, one unit of blood is taken while in a comfortable reclining position. A short rest period with light refreshments will follow.

Giving blood is a continuous cycle. Every five seconds someone in the United States receives a blood transfusion, yet only 3% of all Americans are donating 100% of all blood given. Blood must be replenished every 21 days and it is up to you to see that Texarkana has the blood supply we need.

Remember the importance and immediate need for blood. Give your share November 29-30, when the Blood Mobile will be located on the TCC Campus. This blood drive is being sponsored by the TCC Circle K Club.