New Organization, Campus Gold, To Offer Service to Girl Scouts

Campus Gold, a new organization designed to aid area Girl Scout troops, is “in the making” at TC.

The group is in the process of organizing and interested persons should contact Mrs. Sue Works of the P.E. department; Jeannie Powers, acting president; or Betty McDonald.

College girls will give needed aid in handicrafts, camping and other Scout activities. The group will only respond when requested.

Girls do not need previous Scout experience to be eligible for Campus Gold. The basic requirement is a desire to help others.

Other members are Phyllis Hodgeson, Sharon Camp, Sherry Dorsey, Patty Dougan, Mary Wicker, Linda Price, Linda Bean and Sherri Ryan.

Mrs. Works, Jeannie and Betty are in the process of formulating a constitution to be presented to the Student Senate.