One Street Nice, Others Need Help

Usually, when streets are constructed in Texarkana, some hard feelings develop between the motoring public and the city. For once, though, Texarkana has accomplished a variety of projects in a small amount of time, without creating much traffic or loss of time to any traveler of these roads.

These projects include: The Texas Viaduct, Third and Fourth Streets, Seventh and Eighth Streets, Robison Road and Richmond Road. The main concern was whether work on Robison Rd. would interfere with students getting to school without many detours. With half of the construction completed already (the half which usually causes the most traffic problems) not many difficulties have developed.

Since completion, Eighth St. has turned into a virtual monster. At least one collision a week takes place because of a lack of stop lights in the residential area to the west. When someone drives over the ramp and continues through this section on Eighth St., they should be thinking of who they are leaving their possessions to.

The problem would be alleviated if only some lights would be established at the points under attack. This does not seem to be too much to ask for in saving people’s property and, more importantly, saving lives.