The Christmas season resembles a powerful emotional catalyst, sometimes keying you up, sometimes letting you down, but nearly always dominating your reflective moments at the year’s end. You become strangely aware that you are a member of the human race, that for once in your life you are reacting not as a teenager, not as a college student, not as John D. or Betty F., but merely as a living, breathing member of the species known as Homo sapiens.
The significance of the Christmas wish “peace on earth, good will toward men,” has a bright and personal meaning for you. Special concerns of individual groups and ages are temporarily pushed in the shadows, for the warm, selfless spirit of Christmas proves to be stronger than all of us.
So sing Christmas carols, sip egg nog, open presents, make merry, and “sleep in heavenly peace.” Perhaps the “spirit of mankind moo!” will linger with you more than you expected.
Merry Christmas!
—Mary Wicker