Santa’s Order to Be Processed at Conclusion of Finals

Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without an endless list of “I want’s”. Yet it looks as if Santa might have a tough time filling the orders sent by many TC students. Billy Whitecotten, for example, won’t be satisfied until he gets a new carpool, not-so-tall Jim Long requests 6 inches of height, and Randy Cobb wants a campus bed-in for peace. Alvin Morgan decided that he needs a beard that goes all the way around, whereas Scott Chatterson longs for a draft deferment and Jane Fonda. Bill Austin, however, is a little more practical — all he wants is 10 pounds of bananas.

Karen Pappas insists on receiving an unlimited expense account, Clifford Wuerts asks only that the Dallas Cowboys win the Superbowl, and while Betty McDonald is begging for two weeks of uninterrupted sleep, Madaline Brown wishes for a great, swinging party.

Grade anxieties are looming in the minds of many TC students, causing Bob Richardson to become quite humble in his lone plea of passing the semester. Harold Abney says he could use a new set of grades too. And cars, of course, are another item on the lists of countless students, such as Bryant Holmes, Debbie Curry, and Roger Harmon. Rosalind Nixon wants a mini-bike, but Roxanna Bowles will settle for anything with wheels.

The lists could go on and on… Paula Jones wants an Aggie, John Dalby is demanding a stable boy… but Pat Jackson wishes happiness for all.