Senate Plans Survey Of Student Interest

Painting the Student Center ballroom, a student interest survey, and the filling of two vacant Senate positions were three items on the agenda at the Student Senate meeting last Tuesday.

Senate president Christy Elkins reported to the group that the Committee of 12 is considering getting the Student Center ballroom painted, and she said that she hoped it could be finished in time for the Snowball dance.

She also brought up the idea that since several of the activities sponsored by the Student Senate have had a lack of participation, that a student interest survey should be redistributed about the campus so that the Senate can find out exactly what students are interested in. It was decided that the best way to do would be to distribute the surveys by setting up some booths around campus run by Senate members.

A motion was made by one of Senate members that the two vacancies in the Senate should be filled in the immediate future. Christy said that there were several who had asked to be considered for the positions and she suggested that she and the officers get together and come up with a couple of names to present to the Senate for approval at the next meeting.

In other action, the Senate began making plans for the Snowball dance which will be held Dec. 6, in the Student Center Ballroom. The group “Zachariah” will play for the formal dance and 2 dollars will be charged per couple. Refreshments will be provided by the Student Senate.