Senate Takes Action on Proposals

The regular meeting of the Texarkana College Student Senate was held Tuesday, Nov. 15th at 11 a.m. in the Senate Room. The Senate voted twelve to four to match funds with the college to purchase a new color television set for the Student Center. The matter will now go to the Committee of Twelve.

The Senate also voted unanimously to sponsor a “Homecoming” football game. The flag football game will feature Arkansas against Texas. Lists to sign up for each team and lists to sign up for cheerleader are in Dean Hughes’ office. The first 25 players to sign up for each team and the first eight cheerleaders to sign up for each side will be taken. Refreshments will be provided by the Student Senate for participants and spectators. The game will be held behind the Language Arts Building before the end of the semester during the Activity Period.

Dean Hughes gave a report on the financial outcome of the Miss Texarkana College Beauty Pageant and said that there are many non-college sponsored activities on campus next semester and that the students should take full advantage of them. Dean Hughes said that the Community Concert series will be free to TCC students this year and that students desiring to attend a Community Concert Association event should pick up their tickets in the Dean of Student’s office the week of the concert.