Student Directed Plays Portray Sociological Ills

“The Teacup Tree,” directed by Don Shreve, and “A Thing Of Beauty,” directed by Alvin Morgan, will be presented to sociology classes next semester.

The two one-act plays will deal with sociological problems prevalent in society today.

According to Mrs. Nancy Keyton of the drama department, the production will be presented in theater-in-the-round with the audience seated on stage a few feet from the actors.

“The Teacup Tree” has been presented three times to various civic organizations in the city. “A Thing of Beauty” has been late in being cast but will be presented to these organizations next semester. The cast of characters for Don’s play includes Linda Price as a woman enthralled by trees decorated with teacups; Sherry Ryan as the town gossip; Mike Wands as a college student; Sherry Dorsey and Terry Fry as “involved” high school students; and Don Shreve as a Life photographer.

The cast for Alvin’s play includes Alvin Morgan as the Man; Dan Mosley as a policeman; Mike Wands as Jones; Kennie Stone as the Woman; Betty McDonald as the Mother; and a pre-schooler as Bobbie.