Tennis Team to Take a Break Until After Christmas Holidays

By Jimmy Livesay

With cold weather here, the TCC tennis team will take a break until the spring semester, according to Coach Robert Mills. The netters will be having self-paced practices outside for those who can brave the cold and possibly some indoor workouts in the TCC gym.

When the players return from the Christmas holidays, they will have daily workouts. “We’ll be practicing lateral movement along with stroking drills, and we plan to do some running,” Mills said.

The practices should come in handy as the Bulldogs will face tough opponents twice each week. Among the schools the netters will play are: Tyler Junior College, Navarro Junior College, Angelina County Junior College, and Henderson County College. Also, Kilgore College, Ouachita University, Southern State College, East Texas Baptist College, and Centenary College.

“I expect Tyler and Navarro will give us the toughest competition,” Mills said. “But I think we will do pretty good this year. We have more depth than we usually have. The boys are even.” Mills added, “I never have seen these boys as evenly matched as they are.”

Team members this season are Sophomores Steve Burton, Christy Cone, Jamie Foster, Royce Hammett, and David Morgan. Freshman members on the team are Jimmy Livesay, Bill and Bob Long, Priscilla McLeroy, and Bill Rainey.