Two Attractive Scholarships For Business Students Now Available

Campus News Editor

ACCEPTING SCHOLARSHIP checks to be given to two of their students are Bill Hughes, TCC dean of students and Patricia Byrd, coordinator of financial aid at ETSU-T. (Giving them the award is Jack Floyd, purchasing manager at Nekoosa Papers, Inc. The two checks, amounting to $500 each, will go to students planning a major in the field of business.

TCC and ETSU-T are accepting applications from interested business students who would like to receive one of two $500 scholarships given in behalf of Nekoosa Papers, Inc.

“One scholarship will go to a senior level student majoring in business at ETSU-T,” Patricia Byrd, coordinator of Financial Aid and Student Relations at ETSU-T, announced.

According to Bill Hughes, dean of students, TCC’s scholarship will go to a sophomore business student who is enrolled full-time in both the fall and spring semesters.

Entitled the “Purchasing Management Association Scholarship,” the money was awarded to both Byrd and Hughes at the annual Four States Trade Fair which is sponsored by the Purchasing Management Association.

“We want the scholarships to go to business students to help pay for their educational expenses and to reward academic excellence,” said Jack Floyd, purchasing manager for Nekoosa and Purchasing Management Association president.

To be eligible for the TCC scholarship one must be classified as a sophomore (24 or more hours), be enrolled for 12 semester hours, completed six hours of business courses with a GPA of at least 3.0 in these classes, and have an overall GPA of 3.0.

Also, one must have no grade below a “B” in business courses and must maintain a 3.0 GPA each semester of the award period, reside in the recognized service area of Texarkana Community College and receive no scholarships from TCC.

Eligibility for the ETSU-T money will require that the applicant be a senior (90 or more hours), have completed at least six hours in business with a GPA of at least 3.0.

Also one must have no grade below a “B” in business courses and must maintain a 3.0 GPA each semester of the award period, a Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana or Oklahoma resident inside the ETSU-T service area and receive no other scholarships from ETSU-T.

To apply for the TCC scholarship one should contact the Dean of Students office at TCC at 838-4541 ext. 271.