Volleyball Is Next Event In Tencathlon

Jim Parsons, sponsor of the Athletic Association, has announced that the next event on the Tencathlon schedule is volleyball, to be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, December 3. Coach Wayne Williams is the sponsor of the event. 10 points will be awarded to all participants in the event.

The first meeting of the AA basketball team will be held in the TCC gym at 7 p.m. Tuesday, December 2. The first game will be at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, December 4, against the U.S. Marine Corps. A game against Coach Lou Holtz and the U of A Razorback football team is scheduled to be held later in the season.

An observer watches as David Jordan (45) attempts to hand off the pigskin to Jim Willard (far left) to avoid being brought down by an unidentified Texas player (right). Arkansas was the winning team in the Bulldog Bowl, held October 14, by a score of 8 – 0.