Wattinger Resigns Club Presidency; Jackets Ready To Be Picked Up

Donnie Wattinger resigned as president of the Rodeo Club at the last meeting and Sans Wilson, former vice-president, is the new president.

Sands will be assisted by Scooter Madox, new vice-president. Jimmy Faulkner, president of the Ag. Science Club, said, “Donnie is still an active member of the Rodeo Club and is a great help. He is also vice-president of the Ag. Science Club. Donnie seems to be more at ease now that he doesn’t have so much responsibility.”

Club members who ordered Rodeo Club jackets can contact Sue Churchman, secretary, or Pebble Hall, treasurer, and pick up their jackets.

Plans are now being discussed by the club concerning a spring rodeo and rodeo. A clear profit of over $500 from the fall semester club activities will go into scholarship funds. Sue Churchman says, “Applications for the Rodeo Club scholarships must be turned in to Dr. Kenneth Smith, Dr. Cranberry, Mrs. Livingston, or Mr. Varner, by Dec. 15, 1973.”