By Billy Burton
Fall has definitely fallen upon the Texarkana area, leaving many weather watchers cursing and few cheering.
One goes to bed at a decent time with a cool, but not snappy summer breeze blowing, and decides to forego the heater, and perhaps even crack a window or two. By morning, a frost has covered the ground, leaving bed-occupied huddled in embryonic position under a multitude of blankets.
Dressing in his warmest of winter clothes, he sets out for class, discovering only that following his ten o’clock class, a blast that could all but be termed a heat wave hits him as he leaves the LA Building.
Perhaps there is no season that is slower to surrender its claim to the weather to the upcoming season as autumn, which is one of the few claims to uniqueness which fall can claim.
This petulance of the season is topped only by the beauty of same, which certainly has to be considered before blasting all of October, November, and December. The magnificent oaks, which up till now have only been reddening, have finally reached their beautiful crimson hue. Together with the brilliant ruby-like berries of the pyracanthas, the oaks display a magnitude of gorgeousness not equalled in any other season.
But back to the peevishness of the season — let’s not completely lambast ole’ autumn for that. After all, who would think of buying winter clothing, stacking firewood, etc. if not for the occasional northern blast across the campus?