Blue Jackets Initiate Three

The Texarkana College Blue Jackets, an honorary organization for TC women students, recently initiated three new members following a dinner at Bryce’s Cafeteria. Students initiated were Jeanie Hall, Diana Martin and Lela Ann Tidwell.

The Blue Jackets, organized in 1932, advocate comradeship and good will. They foster high ideals and help maintain a spirit of loyalty to each other as members and to the college. Blue Jacket membership requires each girl to have a “C” average, to carry a minimum of 12 semester hours, and have at least one semester of school.

Membership in this elite group is limited to 30 women or 10 percent of the women enrolled at the Texarkana College at the time of election.

Miss Lucile Couch is faculty sponsor for the organization. Officers for 1961-62 school year are Jane Aycock, president; Linda Stropeni, vice president; Sandra Blue, secretary; Linda Roberts, treasurer; Suzie Gray, reporter; and Mary Ann Howell, keeper of the scrapbook.