BSU Members Sponsor Favorite Professors Breakfast

A Favorite Professors Breakfast was sponsored by the campus B. S. U. December 1, in the banquet room of the Student Center. Doyle Ryan, president of the B. S. U., presided, and John Ray Rumsey gave the invocation. Conrad Britton sang solo, “Only One Life,” accompanied by Nola Gantman.

The main speaker was Dr. W. Howard of Dallas, Director of the Student Division of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Speaking on the subject, “This Is Our World,” Dr. Howard pointed out that for the student looking at distant scenes and the blurred future, the campus is his clearly focused world at this present moment. He emphasized the Christian faculty member should realize that the campus is the all-important world for the student.

Preceding Dr. Howard’s talk, Doyle Ryan announced that December 1 is the birthday of one professor, Walter E. Willis, and asked the group to sing “Happy Birthday” to him.

Hal Machat, Director of BSU work on East Texas College campuses, was a guest at the breakfast.