As the Christmas holidays rapidly approach, many bewildered students are in a scurry trying to decide which gift to give and just who deserves one anyway. But on one thing all agree—the holidays come just in time. The trips planned and the excitement of Christmas cheer rings in every heart. Even Dick Akins seems to have an extra wide smile on his face as decorations are placed throughout the student center.

During the Thanksgiving holidays Sandra Isley visited Mary Lou Stinson Self, an ex-student of TC, who now lives in Dallas, Texas.

A rumor is going around that the star reporter of the Kennel, Milt Hartsell, was guest of honor at the last game of the season played at Dunbar High School. “Who’s Dat?”

Miss Pat Smith of Texarkana has been telling students over the campus that she was in Africa a few weeks ago, but what they don’t know is that it was Africa, Texas.

Rose Ellen House and Mr. Williams have found that they have something in common. Both like coon hunting(?) Rose Ellen says it is loads of fun, for she brought home two big coons—one weighing twenty-eight pounds and the other a slight bit less. As has been said, anything a man can do, a woman can do better.

Dec. 1 found many students staring out of classroom windows at the huge vans bringing the scenery and equipment to the college auditorium for the first of four Broadway productions to come to Texarkana.

Coach Kenneth Braden presented tickets to members of the football team in a required assembly December 6. The presentation followed the French club assembly program.

Ruth Penney, Charlotte Cowling, and Patsy Crow are planning a rather exciting week and during the Christmas holidays. The girls will be visiting relatives in Dallas.

Some of the fairer sex have a two-fold worry on their minds as the end of the year draws near. What should be number one, the term exams, has been pushed back and the main draw is that some of the football boys will be leaving for other schools at semester. This will include all of the sophomore players.

Is the age of chivalry dead? What has happened to the knights on white horses, who would fight dragons for fair damsels? Have the white knights turned to blue and green dusters that will make nine m. p. m. while idling? Now a girl is only something to decorate an automobile—as long as she doesn’t do anything so drastic as to sit on the white leather seat covers before first carefully placing a handkerchief, so as not to mar the beautiful leather! She is nice to have about as long as she pays for her own movie ticket and has an overloaded refrigerator. How many boys do you see who open the door for a girl these days? Those who do are few and far between. If the girl will demand respect she will receive it. But first she must show that she has respect for herself.