Bumpy Bus Rides Qualify Sleepy Commuting Students for Title

Kennel Staff Writer

Who are the hardiest souls at Texarkana College? Answers will vary, but many will agree that the students who ride the College buses should qualify for this title.

How would you like to drag yourself out of bed at 5:30 a.m. or even earlier? Particularly when you don’t have a class until 9 a.m.!

You wouldn’t take these early hours too casually, not if you value your life. Frequently it is so dark when you get on the bus that you cannot even see upon whom you are walking. If seats are available, you will find that the best person to sit with is someone who does not appear to be in a conversational mood. If someone should err and say “good morning,” the accepted behavior is to growl softly. If for some peculiar reason you should happen to feel joyful, just sit back and write yourself funny little notes.

Buses at best are undependable. That great bus you have been waiting for—with curtains and everything—is the same one that refuses to run. Then everyone scurries for cars, and the person with the most gasoline volunteers to take his car.

Some buses have other problems, such as taking a wrong turn in a heavy fog.

Afternoons on the College bus are a vastly different story. An entire day has passed, and everyone—well, almost everyone—is in a good mood. All of the students are friendly, and it is possible to visit with your neighbors in safety. You share your news and air your complaints, and College life seems a very fine thing indeed. For a while you can almost forget that you have to get up at 5:30 a.m. the next day.

But then that’s all part of being a commuter.