Christmas Party Roundup

Kennel Staff Writers

The Christmas spirit filled the air, as the students of TC were caught up in a whirlwind of holiday activity.

Santa paid an early visit to the campus, December 8, as he brought stockings filled with candy and toys to the STUDENT SENATE at the close of their meeting. Refreshments were served while Santa listened attentively to the requests of the senators.

The BSU greeted the Christmas season with a “Tacky-Taffy” party, Saturday, December 11. The event was held at the Oaklawn Baptist Church. The traditional trimming of the tree was the highlight of the GIRLS’ DORM Christmas party, December 13. Remembering the true spirit of the season, the girls furnished toys for the Children’s Ward of Wadley Hospital.

The FRENCH CLUB, meeting in the Continental Room, held its Christmas party, December 13. Gag gifts were exchanged by the members and refreshments were served.

The faculty, staff, and administration of Texarkana College were entertained with a holiday reception by the TSEA, December 9. The guests were greeted by the officers and sponsor.

A caroling caravan is planned by the BLUE JACKETS for December 19. After visits to the local hospitals and homes for the aged, members will return to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church to exchange gag gifts and enjoy refreshments. Gifts for needy families will be brought.

The Continental Room was the scene of the PROFESSIONAL NURSES’ CLUB Christmas Party December 14. The faculty were special guests at this yuletide affair.

A coffee honoring the faculty was held Thursday afternoon, December 16. The WILLIAM BUCHANAN DEPARTMENT OF NURSING was host to this affair in the new offices of the faculty located in the Old Art Department Building.

The FACULTY entertained themselves with a pot-luck supper Thursday, December 16, in the Continental Room. Music and games were enjoyed by all.