Mrs. Lucille Cunningham spoke to the seniors of New Boston High School November 30. She also spoke to the seniors of Liberty-Eylau High School December 6.

Miss Norma Lindblad attended a faculty workshop of the Texas League for Nursing December 1-3 at the Jack Tar Hotel in Galveston, Texas. On December 6 she attended a meeting of the Texas Graduate Nurses Association in Paris, Texas.

Dr. W. H. Hinton was the speaker for the Bowie County 4-H Achievement Award Banquet at New Boston, November 27; for the Stamps C. of C. breakfast meeting, November 28; for the Texas High assembly program, November 29; and for the revival at the First Baptist Church in Maud, November 30.

Dr. Jenkins and his TC Stage Band presented a program for the Texas High assembly on November 29.

Dean Akin and Dr. Hinton attended the Southern Association conference in Miami Beach, Florida December 4-7.

Mrs. Dottie Taylor and some professional nursing students counseled with students at Paul Pewitt High School December 6.

Bob Williams, acting as administrative assistant to Congressman Wright Patman, recently completed a tour of all county and city leaders in Northeast Texas to educate and promote interest in the new Area Development Act designed to revitalize the economy of the declining sections of the Northeast Texas area. Patman, leader of a committee which wrote the bill, has unusual interest in its adaptability, acceptance, and utilization.

Professors Burrus and Paul McFerran of the Science Department attended the Second Aerospace Education Symposium at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute at Ruston November 30 and December 1. The Aerospace Education Foundation sponsored the symposium.