The Alpha Beta Nu homemaking club held a debate at its last November meeting, with Charlotte Rackley and June Cornett taking the affirmative on the subject of “going steady.” Mary Pat Hackett (substituting for Bill Shipp) and Lewis LaGrone took the negative. Mrs. Mary Ann Duke, sponsor of the organization, acted as moderator.

The affirmative gave such arguments as “Going steady provides one an assurance of a date; it provides a better opportunity for one to choose a mate; and it likewise provides security.”

The most important points brought out by the negative were that going steady is a social hindrance; it shows an admittance of insecurity and dependence; and it gives a better opportunity for undesirable relationships to result. LaGrone further mentioned that going steady destroys an objective basis for choosing a mate, and said that if two persons love each other enough they will not have to rely on this “unwritten contract.”

Following a discussion of the pros and cons of the topic by the audience, Mrs. Duke judged that the negative had won the debate and said that in most cases it is not good for teenagers to go steady.