Miss TC And Her Court To Be Presented Jan. 7

Excitement is already beginning to rise on campus with the scheduling of a date for the annual presentation ball the gala event will take place on the evening of January 7 in the ballroom of the student center.

The presentation ball is sponsored by the bulldog yearbook staff the tradition begun in the 1940s furnishes not only an opportunity to present the favorites to the school but also excellent entertainment and opportunity to make a little profit for the annual. It is also the occasion for the dedication of the yearbook.

The identity of Miss TC and her court, and likewise of the one to whom the annual is dedicated, will not be made known until about 9:30 on the night of the ball. It is known, however, that the honor of Miss TC will go to Sara Cody or to Linda Dunkin, for whom a run-off election was held Dec. 13-14.

The five winners of the Bulldog Beauties contest were determined from the voting on Dec. 6-7. They were selected from the following contestants: Julia Bull, Sara Cody, Clara Clorbell, Linda Dunkin, Ann Everett, Judy Holland, Rosemary Laranjoire, Jane Perkins, Sherry Pirkey, Linda Roberts, Linda Stropeni, and Nelda Tidwell.

The thirteen lovelies who ran the race for Miss TC were Sara Cody, Ann Collins, Linda Dunkin, Ann Everett, Jeanette Garre, Ruth Ann Hill, Judy Holland, Rosemary Laramore, Jeanette Leggett, Janie Lewis, Donna Paxton, Nelda Tidwell, and Lillie Wadsworth.

The Jerry Atkins Orchestra will furnish the music for the ball, the number one social event of the year.