Off the Leash

Jo Anne Beall

What will we think of next? John Lardner, a leading American sociologist, once stated, “It’s a well-known fact that college students need more relaxation than the rules of normal behavior allow.” This truth explains the following statistics: in 1937, 18,082 goldfish were swallowed alive by pursuers of higher learning; in 1949, 12,345 articles of lingerie were looted from girls’ dormitories in panty raids; in 1958, 510 football coaches were hanged in effigy on American campuses.

The hanging of coaches in effigy is one of the latest developments in the college students’ quest for self-expression. Hanging in effigy—the hanging of a dummy that resembles the victim—dates back many years. The Germans and English, who often performed “live hangings,” gradually started the practice of effigy. Effigy resembles the voodoo practice of sticking needles into dolls.

One coach remarked, “Formerly, all that was expected of a coach was knowledge of the game, desire to win, and the ability to build character. Now, he also needs a thick neck.” (With the Bulldogs’ fine performances this year, Coach Fox shouldn’t worry much about effigies.)

College students have found new outlets for high spirits. By 1959, the accent was on telephone-booth stuffing. Syracuse University is said to have set a record when 26 human beings squeezed into one booth at the same time. (How did they find room to pick up the receiver?)

Who knows, maybe the next fad will be seeing how many elephants a student can get inside a Volkswagen. Anyone for toilet papering the Student Union building?

What’s your favorite song? Your male vocalist? Your female vocalist? The students of TC gave their approval to Andy Williams and Brenda Lee. “Moon River” was polled as the favorite song, although “Summer Place” and “More” were close seconds.

Ricky Nelson and Elvis gave Andy a run-for-the-money. Connie Francis and Barbara Streisand had “Little Miss Dynamite” running scared.

Out of 50 interviewed, Andy Williams polled 23 votes; Brenda Lee, 18; and “Moon River” captured 22 votes. Ricky Nelson received 10; Elvis, 7; others 10. Connie Francis polled 12; Barbara Streisand, 6; others, 4. “Summer Place” received 4; “More, 4; and others 20. (John, Paul, George, or Ringo did not poll a vote.)

This poll shows that college students’ ears are not out of good music. Although Brenda Williams is no Mario Lanza, and although Brenda Lee is no Teresa Berganza, they are fine musicians in their own right. Brenda Lee has even performed before Queen Elizabeth; “The Andy Williams Show” is viewed by all ages.

“Moon River” does not have the quality that one of Chopin’s Etudes has, but there are worse songs that could have won. For example, “Leader of the Pack” recently held the number 1 spot on the Top 40 survey. However, this song did not receive one vote.