Organization News

SOPHOMORE OFFICERS—Jack Gilbert, President; Jeanie Hall, Treasurer; Max Elrod, Vice-President.

Alpha Beta Nu

Members of the Alpha Beta Nu Home and Family Life organization presented their annual Christmas Tea December 14. Members of the faculty and friends of the club members were invited guests.

The tea followed the installation of new officers and initiation of new members. Peggy Burleson, Betty Crowder, and Charlotte Rackley served during the tea.

Miss Carolyn Adams, graduate of the University of Tennessee, recently visited the TC Homemaking department and illustrated a series of recipes on corn meal and self-rising flour.


Superintendent Truitt Ingram of the Atlanta, Texas schools, discussed the qualifications of a god teacher at a meeting of the W. P. Akin chapter of TC’s Student National Education Association. He also emphasized the responsibilities of teachers and their many rewarding experiences. Ingram was introduced by Prof. C. C. Burrus of the science department.

The TC Choir, directed by George Kyer of the music department, sang several appropriate numbers for the occasion, and the NEA officers served refreshments from a Christmas-decorated table during the social hour.

Mary Rainey, president, introduced Will Ann Farr, assistant to the club sponsor, Mrs. Lois Duck, and other officers of the club.

English Club

The English Club met Dec. 5 at the home of Mary Ann Howell to select new officers. Elected were John Musselman, pres.; Diana Martin, v-p.; Barbara Hedgecock, reporter; Mary Ann Howell, sec. Plans were made for a Christmas party and Diana Martin gave an interesting discussion of poetry.