Phi Theta Kappa Initiates Three Honor Students

Three honor students were formally initiated into the Zeta Sigma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa November 31 during a ceremony held in the home of Nancy Picard. Receiving memberships to the honorary fraternity were Stacy Coghill, Mary Berryman, and Randall Templeton, each eligible with 2.5 or above grade averages.

President David Long directed the initiation ceremony in which the organization’s purposes and symbols were explained. The president was assisted by Rosemary Lamonier, secretary, Jeanette Tigert, vice president.

Following the oaths and pledges taken by the initiates, Sara Cody spoke on the national PTK convention and “What PTK Means to Me.” David Long presented the history of PTK on the national level.

Punch, sandwiches, and cookies were served to 15 members present and Mrss Edith Larson, sponsor. Serving as co-hostesses with Miss Picard, Sara Cody, Rosemary Laramore, and Annelli Temple.