Dr. J. W. Cady, president of Texarkana College, and Levi H. Hall, academic dean, attended the annual meeting of the regional accrediting agency of the Southern Association in Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 2-4.
The Southern Association of Junior Colleges met on Monday, and Dr. Cady and Dean Hall found this to be a most rewarding session. This theme was “Effective Teaching.” The discussion was led by junior college faculty members and recent junior college graduates on “what makes an effective teacher.”
The speakers stressed the necessity for changes in the curriculum to meet the needs of modern colleges. Dr. Cady said it was pointed out that 80 percent of the jobs of today were unknown when the present faculties were in college.
Other speakers heard by the 2000 educators were Art Buchwald, journalist; George Bundy, president of the Ford foundation; Dr. Ralph Tyler, director emeritus of the center for advanced study of behavioral sciences of Stanford University; Dr. Samuel D. Proctor, dean of special projects of the University of Wisconsin.
The Southern Association Accrediting Agency last visited Texarkana College in 1963. TC will do a self-study in 1971 and will be re-visited by the association in 1973.