Scandinavian Study Invites Collegiates

The Scandinavian Seminar is now accepting applications for its study program in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for the academic year 1967-68. This opportunity to combine living with learning will have special appeal both for college students and other adults who would find a year of study in a foreign country of special value.

The student in the Seminar program lives for 2 to 8 weeks with a family in his Scandinavian country, using its language daily and sharing in the activities of the community. For the major part of the year he lives and studies at a Folk High School-a residential school for young adults. He is completely separated from his fellow American students during the Seminar year, except for the short periods when he participates in the intensive language courses and the three general sessions conducted by the Seminar in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

An important aspect of the student’s Seminar program is an individual study project in a field of special interest to him. Over 100 American colleges and universities have given either partial or full credit for the Seminar year.

For complete information write to:
Scandinavian Seminar,
140 West 57th Street,
New York, N.Y. 10019.