Senate Comments

Carol Trigg, Texarkana sophomore, was named Snow Queen at the first Snow Ball sponsored by the Student Senate last Friday night.

The Merging Traffic played for the Christmas dance.

Joey Silman crowned the College’s first Snow Queen.

Slated to play for the Presentation Ball, Feb. 24, ’68, are the Uniques, says John Stone, President of the Senate.

Student Directories will be out soon, but not in time for holiday card addresses!

Members of the Senate on the different faculty committees have been making some worthwhile suggestions, according to Dean of Students Levi Hall. This student participation is aiding the rapport between administration, faculty and the student body.

Any club not represented in the Senate should have its members appoint a representative right away.

The Student Senate sends its very best wishes to all students and faculty for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And Good Luck on January finals!