Spencer Speaks To TSEA Group

The William Porter Akin Chapter of TSEA met in the Continental Room of the Student Center for its November meeting. Carol Jones, president, led the members in repeating the TSEA pledge.

Routine business was transacted and the following appointments were made: social chairman, Kay Davis; program chairman, Norma Jean Rose; scrapbook chairman, Sandra Littlejohn.

Mr. J. E. Spencer, chairman of the Social Science Division, addressed the club, using as his topic “Civic Responsibility.” He stressed that if a person is to meet his moral obligation to the community, he must inform himself concerning the needs of the community. A person cannot afford to be indifferent with reference to his civic responsibility.

The following officers acted as hosts during the social hour: Carol Jones, Linda Dyer, Sally Knight, and Ellen Blackwell. The serving table was centered with a cornucopia laden with gaily-colored fruits, in keeping with the Thanksgiving season.

Mrs. Thelma Bollinger, TC sociology instructor, was a guest. Mrs. Grady Duck is sponsor of the club.