Student Council Minutes

At the regular meeting of the Student Council on Tuesday, November 20, the meeting was called to order by the president; the roll was called; and the minutes were read and approved.

A Gazette News Student Loan Fund has been established at TC by Mr. C. E. Palmer, publisher of the Gazette and Daily News. Mr. Palmer has deposited $500.00 for use by the students of the College.

Any student who wishes to obtain the Loan Fund Committee, composed of Dudley Sumner, Chairman, Chelious Rachal, and Pat Cunningham. Loans can be obtained up to $25.00 for a period of 90 days at 6% interest; the smallest amount of interest that may be charged is $ .25.

Mr. Meals is the faculty sponsor, who along with the committee, has charge of the loan fund.

On December 4, 1956, the Student Council held its regular meeting. During the absence of the sponsor, Mr. Pinkerton, Miss Couch was the visiting substitute sponsor.

Miss Couch informed the Council that the dance to be held one night each week has been okayed by the committee which met with her, and that the results of the committee had been submitted to the Dean for approval.

Ross Poteet made and Peggy Joice seconded the motion that the weekly dance be held each Wednesday night beginning on December 12 at the Snack Bar for Texarkana College students who may bring one guest and must show their activity card.

Miss Couch also asked the advice of the Council on having a party in the Girls Lounge for all students from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. on the day school is out for the College. The Council agreed that it would be a good idea to invite the boys as well as the girls. The party will be held on December 14.

The Council discussed improvements for the new recreational room in the new building, such as a better juke box and the removal of the TV from the recreation room.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Cunningham, Sec’y.