Student Loan

Dr. Stillwell, a guest at the meeting, made a brief talk to the council, commending the members who spoke to the Board of Regents, and pledging his support and cooperation to any worthwhile suggestions given by the council.

Homecoming was further discussed at this meeting; reports on the parade and the dance to be held after the game were given by Ray Campbell and Billy Lou Perry, respectively. The parade was to be sponsored by the Sophomore Class and the dance by the Freshmen Class.

Mr. Pinkerton informed the Council that he and Mr. Meals had seen Mr. C. E. Palmer about the Gazette News Student Loan Fund, and that $500.00 was now deposited in the bank by Mr. Palmer for that purpose. Requests for loans by students should be made to the Loan Fund committee; the maximum loan is $25.00 for ninety days at 6% interest, with $25 the minimum interest.

Mr. Pinkerton urged the Council members to help prevent destruction of property in the Snack Bar and in the new building. Dudley Sumner, vice-president, who was presiding while the president attended a Board of Regents meeting, joined with Mr. Pinkerton in urging that the new building be kept clean and neat and that no carving be done on the desks there.

Members of the council were asked to pay for their pins, which will arrive at a later date, c.o.d. The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Cunningham, Sec’y.