TC Physical Education Teachers Attend Convention, Learn New Methods

Miss Norma Nelson, chairman of the division, Wayne Williams, Mrs. Sue Works, Hub Dungan, and Paul Stewart were the Texarkana College representatives to the 45th annual Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Convention in the Brownwood Coliseum, Brownwood last week.

Miss Nelson said, “The main purpose of this convention is to bring together the physical education of the state of Texas for specialized meetings relating to the various areas of Physical Education. These meetings are valuable in helping one to grow professionally.”

“This meeting also affords one the chance to discuss methods of teaching and activity programs with professionals which in turn, gives insight to solving many problems,” she continued.

The TC faculty attended section meetings in dance, intramural sports, research, recreation, aquatics, and progress report on today’s health.

“The latest trend in physical education classes is to combine the students into co-education classes,” said Coach Williams after returning from the state meeting.

“The main thing you get from a convention of this kind is the association with other members of the profession and the discussion with other members their methods of teaching. By doing this we can improve and update our methods to coincide with other junior colleges in the state,” said Coach Dungan.

Experts in the field of Physical Education were brought in to give demonstrations and make speeches on the new techniques. Mrs. Joan Sullivan, a member of the traveling clinic staff of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness directed a demonstration by the Brownwood High School Girls. The convention had a big effect on all TC instructors. They feel that Texarkana College is a step ahead of the new trends with their co-educational bowling course and plans to combine the badminton, tennis, and golf classes next year.