TC — The Place to Meet Basic Foreign Language Requirements

Texarkana College students, have you thought about your next few years of college? Have you decided on your major? Have you thought about the senior college you plan to attend?

Getting through with all basic requirements during your first two years counts for happiness the last two years.

Three or four semesters of foreign languages are a “must” for a B.A. degree in any college, and in most cases, for a B.S. degree, also.

A few instances of Arkansas colleges, for example, are the University of Arkansas, requiring 10 hours of a foreign language for a Bachelor’s degree in Arts & Sciences; Southern State, requiring that the B.S. candidate complete one year of language if the major is in natural sciences, and 8 hours if the major is in math—the B.A. candidate must complete two years of languages.

A few instances of Texas colleges are Stephen F. Austin, requiring four semesters of languages as a basic requirement; University of Texas, requiring 10 to 15 hours for a B.A., and 11 to 12 for a B.S. degree.

The above reasons are proof enough, but additional reasons may be found in the catalogs of other colleges in the counselor’s offices.

Texarkana College is prepared to offer French, German, and Spanish, to any student who wishes to “start things off right.”