The Friendly Professor

Dear F. P.,
Can you tell me what disdodecahedron means?
A. Yes, why?

Dear F. P.,
Have you any idea why “Mona Lisa” had such a pleasant smile?
A. You will find my comment filed under, “What the Editor Knew But Didn’t Print.”

Dear F. P.,
Would you kindly tell me what you think of Elvis Presley?
A. I can’t tell you—kindly.

Dear F. P.,
What is the difference between an idiot and an intellectual?
A. It is not an easy question to answer. Leading psychologists have found that an idiot is separated from an intellectual by about 18 years of normal education; however, thus far they have been unable to determine which is which.

Dear F. P.,
I am a confused freshman. Exactly what is a lounge lizard?
A. There are several types of lounge lizards, but only one species is the “true lizard.” He is the fellow who calmly listens to the tardy bell while holding a heart hand that can’t possibly win.

Dear F. P.,
What do you think of the morals of the people who lived during the medieval feudal era?
A. Like I always say, “Oh for the good old days!”

Dear F. P.,
What would you suggest I do in my spare time over the Christmas holidays?
A. Don’t raise Noel.

Dear F. P.,
Have you any comment on the present Middle East crisis?
A. Yes, I wish I weren’t in the Ready Reserve. Class dismissed.

In the parlor there were three—the girl, the parlor lamp, and he. Three’s a crowd, there is no doubt. So the parlor lamp went out.

Read this backwards:
Do fools all, it do would you knew we.