Would you like to know why it is more difficult to secure money for schools than for roads and hospitals? According to Commissioner of Education Francis Keppel: “No one ever died of a split infinitive.”
Late afternoon classes for district students suspended from regular day attendance have been authorized in Washington, D.C.
“Twilight” students will begin at 3:15 p.m. and continue to about 8 o’clock with a break for supper. During these hours students may use shops and gym facilities used by other students during the day. The classes are designed for students who have the ability to work with hard-to-manage students.
Nearly one-sixth of the University of Chicago’s 6,000 campus students are from abroad, the largest number coming from India. The National Association of Foreign Student Advisors predicts that 100,000 foreign students will be enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities by 1970.
According to a poll of more than 1,000 California teachers, they go to other teachers for help and advice rather than to supervisors or administrators. The poll, taken for a state fact-finding committee, shows that teachers just don’t get much help from their supervisors and more experienced superiors. In fact, some teachers indicated that more supervisory assistance or advice would be detrimental, not helpful.