What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Exactly what does Christmas mean to you this year? Do you automatically think of the tinkle of silver bells, the laughter of jolly Santas with shiny noses, the smell of freshly-cut holly and mistletoe, or perhaps the excitement of surprises beneath the ornate tree?
Certainly you do! And don’t misunderstand — all these sensations are important and dear to us this season; they provide such a warm and sincere feeling.
Nevertheless, there should be an even deeper significance attached to the approaching holidays — one of reverence and awe. Shouldn’t one expect a “holiday” to be observed in holy way?
Amidst the mad whirl of parties and shopping which we’re anxiously awaiting, let’s all take at least a few moments to ponder the real beauty of Christmas — the beauty of His birth, the smell of freshly-cut hay around the manger, the laughter of over-joyed shepherd boys, and the excitement caused by one gigantic star in the East. Indeed, let’s make an effort to put Christ back in Christmas!