You Can Be A Nobody Too

A lot of elections are going on around here this fall and some people make a lot of hulla-balo about them, but, I’m not voting in any of the elections—campus, club or what have you. What do I care who comes out president of this and vice-president of that?

And if I don’t like the leaders, I’ll just criticize them and tear them apart. That’s my right and privilege.

There are plenty of organizations on the campus, each as worthwhile as the other. But I’d much rather join the “Do Nothings.” I’ll be president! There’s room for everybody, join the gang. All you have to do is let a few students railroad elections and run club affairs by themselves.

Just follow our easy rules:

  1. Never co-operate in extracurricular activities, unless there’s something in it for you.
  2. Don’t belong to any group or help with their projects.
  3. Don’t attend any intramural basketball games held outside of class hours.
  4. Let the newspaper get its own news.
  5. Keep away from all socials that will not have free refreshments.

That’s all you have to do. It’s simple once you get the proper practice. Me? I’m Nobody? Are you a nobody too?