Young Democrats Approve Constitution, Elect Officers

Officers of the Young Democrats Club 1968-69
PERMANENT OFFICERS for the Young Democrats Club for the 1968-69 term are Rey Martinez, student senate representative; Georgia Odom, secretary-treasurer; Larry Forgy, vice-president; Cary Smith, president.

Cary Smith, temporary president, presided as the club voted on approval of its constitution, permanent officers, membership fees, and nominations for class favorites and Mr. and Miss TC at a called meeting last Thursday.

Since all officers are temporary until the constitution is approved by the club, they first pursued that issue. The constitution was approved unanimously.

Permanent officers were then voted on. Cary Smith was elected president; Larry Forgy, vice-president; Georgia Odom, secretary-treasurer; and Rey Martinez, student senate representative.

Cary Smith and Larry Forgy attended the state meeting of the Young Democrats Dec. 14, to acquire state affiliation for the club. Membership fees for the local club were set at two dollars.

Nominations for class favorites and Mr. and Miss TC were then held. The results yielded Georgia Odom and Patti Bryan as nominees for favorite sophomore girls; Rey Martinez and Robert Calhoun, boys; Sherry Pettigrew and Karen Townsend as freshman girls; Marvin Abney and Terry Brown, boys; David Wood and Doris Hawkins were selected as nominees for Mr. and Miss TC.

Those desiring membership in the Young Democrats should contact professor Bob Williams, club sponsor, or any present member.

Smith, Forgy Attend State Demo Confab

Carey Smith and Larry Forgy attended the meeting of the State Democratic Executive Committee in Austin last Sunday.

The purpose of the meeting was to grant charters to the newly formed and reorganized Young Democratic Clubs of Texas. The TC Young Democrats were there to obtain a charter for the Texarkana College Club.