Fate of club’s Brazil trip decided by fund raiser

by Russell Minor
TC News staff

The fate of the Earth Club’s on-going quest to send some of its members to Brazil will be decided on Dec. 4.

According to the club’s sponsor Delores McCright, that is the date of their last major fund raiser.

Earth Club members hoping to be Brazil bound
Happy Trails: Earth Club members hoping to go to Brazil, from left: Cindy Fountain, Terissa Schaefer, Bill Moss, Amy Davis and Jason Kyles.

“We are selling hamburgers outside of Albertson’s,” McCright said. “The hamburgers are $1 and they are big.” The hamburger wagon will be open from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.

The five students scheduled to go to Brazil are Terissa Kyles, Amy Davis, Cindy Fountain, Bill Moss and Terissa Schaefer. According to McCright, there is already enough money to send Kyles and Davis. Whether the last three students will go depends on how much money is raised on Dec. 4.

“Jason and Amy initiated the idea of going to Brazil,” McCright said. “The others just started working on this.”

McCright went on to say Terissa Schaefer has been active in fundraising, so she is next on the list to go. Still, there is some uncertainty.

“We’ll need to raise $1,200 just to send Terissa,” McCright said.

Schaefer is an elementary education major who hopes to someday relax between periods in the Brazilian rain forests to her students.

“I think it is something I can take into the classroom,” Schaefer said. “It’s an opportunity to see an endangered ecosystem and a disappearing culture. This may be this generation’s last chance to see this ecosystem.”