Sports Column: Gibson’s Glimpses

by Cheri Gibson

Instant replay not instant

Instant replay has been a subject of much controversy in professional football over the years.

Instant replay is a concept of judging a play by viewing a recording of the questionable act.

Calls in football that most commonly used instant replay included whether a player stepped out of bounds, whether a touchdown was made and possession of the ball.

Recently, instant replay was removed from professional football and, finally, the call the referee makes stands. There is no longer a tape of the play that can overrule the referee’s decision.

All the years of instant replay resulted in wasted money on referees. Why have referees on the field if their calls may be overridden by a man in a booth watching a tape?

Instant replay also took away the human error aspect of the game. Everyone makes mistakes and that is just a part of sports.

Well, someone finally became smart and realized that sports are sports and quit the insanity of instant replay. Little League through college do not use instant replay because instant replay just does not fit in sports. The referees are there to do their job, so let them!

The National Football League decided that, even though their calls may not always be right, the referees can do their job without the aid of a machine.

Slowly the “sport” of sports is coming back and with any luck, instant replay will be banned in all sports. Come on, sports has a dire need for fun and human contribution—not for electronic judges.