Student senate to sponsor holiday dinner

by Charles Sinclair

Texarkana College’s Student Senate set the date for the senate-proposed Christmas dinner and discussed plans for a “Final’s Blowout” dance at the Nov. 11 meeting.

The Christmas dinner will be held Dec. 2 at 11 a.m. in the ballroom, located upstairs in the Student Center. There will be entertainment and food for the students and faculty. The admission price will be an item of non-perishable food which will be donated to the needy. Those who forget to bring an item of food can make a small donation. Entertainment will be provided by the TC Stage Band and the Senate will provide food for the dinner.

While discussing a “Final’s Blowout” dance to be sponsored by the senate, Sherry Moses, vice-president, said, “I don’t think the students will support it (dance).” After Joyce Fitzgerald, senate treasurer, gave a report on the cost of the Halloween Monster Mash, it was decided that the “Final’s Blowout” will be a “come-as-you-are” mixer type dance with no decorations and with only cost being a DJ for music.

A tentative date of Dec. 11, 8:30-11:30 p.m., in the Student Center ballroom, was set for the dance.