VIEWPOINT: JFK assassination: Case closed!

Recent made-for-television movies have made many Americans question whether Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President Kennedy. Much evidence has been presented in support of the conspiracy theory.

But this all happened 30 years ago. How long are we going to be searching for the answer? And what will we do if we find it? Will we track down the assassins and prosecute them? Are they even still alive?

The trail by now is not just cold, it’s probably frozen. It’s time to move on and stop pursuing a case which may never be solved. The only people profiting from a continuing search for answers are the movie makers who are capitalizing on our curiosity by presenting hypothetical answers.

Our best efforts to date have failed to uncover the truth. When are we going to realize that many other issues deserve our attention? Our energies should now be channeled into more productive areas.