For $1,000: Mrs. Carter, Mr. Spencer To Vie For Piper Award
Mrs. Betty Carter, professor of English, and Mr. J. E. Spencer, chairman of the Social Science Department, have been nominated for statewide competition among junior and senior college faculty members for the Piper Award. The two were selected from faculty nominations. The Piper Award, granted annually to ten outstanding Texas college teachers, is made possible…
Blue Jackets Initiate 16; Dr. Cady Speaks to Group
“We learn in this great business of living how to be, to do, to do without, and to depart.” President J. W. Cady shared these views on life with members of the Blue Jackets and their sponsors at the initiation banquet held at the Holiday Inn Oct. 25. New members include Jean Bransford, Rita Cigaineero,…
Dr. Whaley Dedicates New Nursing Building
“This building is dedicated to service and to science,” said Dr. Storm Whaley, of the University of Arkansas Health Service, in ceremonies Oct. 25 for the formal dedication of the debt-free William Buchanan Nursing Building. “It is dedicated to knowing that which is known is not enough,” the Arkansas guest speaker stressed as he explained…
Smokers Get Lower Grades
After surveying 3,567 freshmen at the University of Illinois Student Health Center, Dr. Dorothy Dunn reports that there is an inverse association between grade average and smoking. Of students with an “A” average, only 16.7 percent smoked, while 59.1 of “F” average (the lowest grade) students smoked. Of those who smoked 12 months ago, 56…
Wesleyans Pick Officers; Plan November Retreat
Hooks sophomore Kathleen Wilson is president of the Wesley Foundation this fall. Others officers elected for the Methodist-sponsored group include Jerry Black, Liberty-Eylau, vice-president; and Carolyn Fielden, Pasadena, secretary-treasurer. Dianne Shackelford of Texarkana has been named Miss Bulldog representative for the foundation. The executive officers and a planning committee are organizing a retreat to be…
Stray Bones
Were you among the many who pulled and pulled on the Student Center left front door and had no response? Can’t read, either! Like the rest of us, you probably felt silly when you noticed the “Use the other door” sign. Junior colleges in Texas have some 76,007 on-campus students this fall. This figure, according…
Book Review: Importance of Money Is Universal Fact
Through history the French and Germans have perpetuated a series of disagreements and wars. The proverbs of the countries, however, agree about the importance of money. “The richest man carries nothing away with him but his shroud,” according to the French. The Germans say, “Better (to have) an empty purse than an empty head.” The…
YR To Help Register
Members of the Young Republicans will assist with voter registration in Bowie County. At the October meeting the Chairman of the Republican Party of Miller County, Mr. Raymond Anderson, spoke to the YR members. Officers this year are Ted Bedsole and Larry Perkins, president and vice-president, respectively.
Film Scheduled for MBSF
A film has been scheduled for the Nov. 30 meeting of the Missionary Baptist Student Fellowship which meets on Thursday in the Student Senate Room, Student Center, at 7 p.m. Yesterday members heard Brother Richard Akin of Westlawn Baptist Church.