Santa’s Order to Be Processed at Conclusion of Finals
Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without an endless list of “I want’s”. Yet it looks as if Santa might have a tough time filling the orders sent by many TC students. Billy Whitecotten, for example, won’t be satisfied until he gets a new carpool, not-so-tall Jim Long requests 6 inches of height, and Randy Cobb…
Christmas Giving in Order For Patient in Burn Hospital
At the request of James Parsons the Christmas tree used for the Snow Ball will remain up until the end of the exam week. This will give students the opportunity to leave gifts under the tree for Pamela Barrick, a 14 year old girl, who lost her family and home in a fire several weeks…
by Bob Walters What does a young woman of the sixties think of the glittery world of Hugh M. Hefner? Does the glitter eventually lose its shine? Is the world of the playboy somewhat lonely for the playgirl? “It’s what I want,” said July Playmate, Nancy McNeil, guest of honor at the TC Snowball, last…
Circle K Sponsors Drug Alert Program
Todd Brown, district Lieutenant Governor of the Circle K Club, is spearheading a project called Operation Drug Alert. Members of the club will be speaking to various high schools and Kiwanis Clubs on drugs and their dangers. A different approach will be used. Instead of using the “don’t do it” approach, they will use the…
Kiwanis Club to Give TC Scholarship To Winning Project at Science Fair
In March, 1970 Texarkana College will again hold a science fair for junior high and senior high school students. Science projects will be exhibited in the college science complex. A one-year scholarship to TC will be awarded to the winner in the senior high division. The scholarship is a gift from the Kiwanis Club in…
Powerful Emotional Catalyst
The Christmas season resembles a powerful emotional catalyst, sometimes keying you up, sometimes letting you down, but nearly always dominating your reflective moments at the year’s end. You become strangely aware that you are a member of the human race, that for once in your life you are reacting not as a teenager, not as…
Be Joyful But Remember . . .
Christmas is perhaps the happiest and most serene time of the year for most Americans. In this time of “Peace on Earth, good will toward men” even the Viet Cong are caught up in the spirit of a Christmas truce. The joy is justifiable and good. But it may be well to remember that while…