Campus Bleed-In Nov. 10 was Bleed-In day at Northeast Tarrant County Junior College. One hundred and eleven donors willingly parted with 104 pints of blood. This incident also allowed three students to donate blood in cancellation of their traffic tickets. Some Do, Some Don’t Recent examination of automobile speedometers belonging to Tarrant County Junior College…
ACT Tests Scheduled
ACT Tests will be given on Jan. 4 and Jan. 22 at 8 a.m. All who have not taken it previously must take it for enrollment in the spring semester. A fee of seven dollars is required for the four-hour entrance exam.
Scholarship Applications Due in Dean’s Office
Persons living in a Model Cities Neighborhood may be eligible for a Model Cities Scholarship to Texarkana College. Scholarship applications are to be picked up at the OEO Office, 1510 Plum on the Texas side, and turned in to the Dean of Students office by Dec. 15. Decision as to who will receive scholarships will…
Something Besides Glitter
MAYBE NEXT YEAR By Homer Musselman The world dead?Surely it must be. The sky is a dull gray. The trees are bare and cold and stiff. Lifeless — unless you count the red leaf skipping down the street, or the wind howling more real than a sullen timberwolf in the forbidding woods. And those curious…
‘Super Study’ Look on Campus Heralds Approach of Final Exams
The campus will take on its biannual “super study” look Monday morning when final exams begin. Classes will not meet as usual during exam week, but a special schedule allotting two and one-half hours to each test will be followed. Classes that will be tested Monday include the normally scheduled 8 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday…
Snow Ball Termed Success, Now Finals
Highlighting last Saturday’s annual Snow Ball was the results of the Freshmen and Sophomore Class Favorites election. Tommy Ables, Bobby Collins, Bunny Dees, and Shannon Sexton of the Freshmen Class and Becky Carraway, Randy Guillot, Tom Haley, and Sheila Rodgers of the Sophomore Class were announced as winners during intermission. An estimated crowd of 80…